Partial Transcript: Okay, my name is William Breeding and today is July 12th, 2022.
Segment Synopsis: Breeding briefly introduces Ethel Johnson and her daughter, Jessica, who is also present for the interview. Breeding explains the basics of the project, the purpose for the interview, and various forms the Johnsons will need to fill out.
Keywords: Athens Black history; Jessica A. Johnson
Partial Transcript: ... then go from there to your earliest memories.
Segment Synopsis: Johnson recalls the spiritual aspect of attending West Broad as a child, as the Bible was regularly incorporated. She summarizes her grade school experiences and remembers receiving awards for memorizing Bible verses.
Keywords: Athens High and Industrial; Athens Regional Hospital; Christianity; Jessie Seethens Hardeman; Reese Street Elementary School; Walter Hardeman; West Broad Elementary School
Partial Transcript: Give me a full schedule of, let’s say, one day…
Segment Synopsis: Johnson shares memories of a play that she was in when she was in elementary school and the subjects she learned. As a child, Johnson lived a few streets away from her school and would walk there every day. She elaborates on the current state of the building and the city administration’s view of it.
Keywords: musical instruments; theater
Partial Transcript: Alright, a typical day at Reese Street...
Segment Synopsis: Johnson talks about the subjects that she was taught and says that she was a talker in school. She discusses fundraisers that the school would hold and the treats the students would get if it was successful. She shares that, as a single child, she loved going to school and being with other people her age.
Keywords: community relations; merry-go-rounds
Partial Transcript: Alright, well, a typical day when I made it to high school…
Segment Synopsis: Johnson became serious about her studies and graduated at the top of her class. She shares that her creativity caused her to love writing and that the enthusiasm of her teacher made her determined to succeed.
Keywords: Ebenezer Baptist Church West; Martha Swinton; teacher-student relations
Partial Transcript: Yes, I was...I had mixed emotions.
Segment Synopsis: Johnson describes feeling nervous and excited to graduate high school. She shares details from a position a teacher nominated her for at the Y. Throughout her time in grade school, Johnson recalls she was never in an integrated class.
Keywords: YMCA; Young Men's Christian Association; race relations; segregation
Partial Transcript: We played jump rope, hopscotch…
Segment Synopsis: Johnson explains the rules of some of the games she played when she was a child in her neighborhood. She describes how the adults would keep watch from their various streets in order to make sure that everyone was behaving and being safe. Johnson and Breeding relate to the saying, “It takes a village to raise a child.”
Keywords: community relations; family relations
Partial Transcript: Alright, I went to Albany State College, which is now Albany State University.
Segment Synopsis: Johnson talks about working her freshman, sophomore, and junior years of college in order to help her mother out with tuition costs. Her senior year, however, she won Miss Albany State College and received a scholarship. She describes the relationship she had with her senior year roommate and the plans they made for their future daughters.
Keywords: Alpha Kappa Alpha; North Carolina Central University; business education; drama
Partial Transcript: Well, when it was time for student teaching, it was fun…
Segment Synopsis: Johnson describes the rough crowd of students at Monroe High School, where she had to be coaxed by the principal to go inside the building. She says that the leader of the gang of high school boys liked her, so she never had any trouble. She shares that the teachers were instructed to strike back if the students hit them, otherwise they would lose control of the situation.
Subjects: Albany, Ga.; National Honors Society; gang activity; marching band; music
Partial Transcript: I got married in 1964.
Segment Synopsis: Johnson discusses why she chose to attend North Carolina Central University for her graduate studies. She shares memories from her wedding day, including what she remembers about the children participating as the ring bearer and flower girl. She says that her ex-husband was Catholic, so they had a Catholic wedding. Breeding discusses doing a second interview.
Keywords: Catholicism