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Rusk HHHHH, Dean Rusk interviewed by Richard Rusk and Thomas Schoenbaum, Part 1, 1985 November 5

Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies, University of Georgia
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00:00:16 - The Tet Offensive

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Partial Transcript: Incidentally, my dad has spoken at great length about many issues of the Vietnam War on other tapes, providing the context and background, a lot of the overall policy questions, the history of the Vietnam decision-making.

Segment Synopsis: Dean Rusk discusses the Tet Offensive which took place during the Vietnam War. He talks about the events leading up to the Tet Offensive as well as its consequences.

Keywords: Battle of the Bulge; Clark Clifford; Lyndon Johnson; William Childs

00:12:07 - Reaction to ABC reporter / Seige of Khe Sanh

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Partial Transcript: February 9th you gave a press backgrounder over questions about the failure of American intelligence in Vietnam.

Segment Synopsis: Dean Rusk recalls being asked a loaded question by John Scali (a reporter from ABC) during the Vietnam War to which he replied "Whose side are you on?". He discusses the reaction of the public to this incident. He also talks about the siege of Khe Sanh which was also going on during this time.

Keywords: Dienbienphu; Lyndon Johnson; Richard Nixon

00:18:46 - The Tet Offensive in retrospect

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Partial Transcript: Pop, from February 3rd on, according to these various accounts that have been written, the immediate reaction to the Tet offensive, in terms of you, in terms of Lyndon Johnson, Joint Chiefs and others, was to put the pressure on, that this was, in fact, an enemy defeat.

Segment Synopsis: Dean Rusk reflects on the Tet Offensive and talks about what could have been done differently. He also discusses the issues that arose with the one year rotation program used in Vietnam, in which soldiers were sent home after a year of service.

Keywords: The Big Story; Bobby Kennedy; Earle Gilmore Wheeler; Eugene McCarthy; Harry Schandler; Merrill's Marauders

00:24:47 - Effects of the Vietnam War on Lyndon Johnson and Dean Rusk

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Partial Transcript: February 13th you fellows discussed the reserve call up at the White House. February 17th LBJ made that trip to Fort Bragg to say good-bye to the 82nd Airborne.

Segment Synopsis: Dean Rusk discusses the toll that the Vietnam War took on Lyndon Johnson and himself.

Keywords: Fort Bragg; Gus Peleuses; Jane Mossellem; World War I; World War II

00:31:13 - The Wheeler Report

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Partial Transcript: Pop, getting back to the chronology. On February 27th you had your first meeting to consider the Wheeler Report, which asked for the additional 206,000 men.

Segment Synopsis: Dean Rusk discusses Vietnam task force meetings to consider the Wheeler Report, a proposal to send 206,000 additional men to Vietnam.

Keywords: The Vantage Point; China specialist; Clark Clifford; Lyndon B. Johnson; Nick Katzenbach's; Thomas Hughes; William Bundy; William Childs Westmoreland

00:40:58 - Influences on Dean Rusk during the Vietnam War

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Partial Transcript: Pop, March 1st you spent a couple of hours with Dean Acheson.

Segment Synopsis: Dean Rusk discusses Dean Acheson and a few other men who were called the "wise men", who changed their minds from supporting the Vietnam War to wanting it to come to an end after the Tet Offensive. He also talks about some of the people who influenced him during the war including William Bundy, Bob McNamara, and Walt Rostow.

Keywords: Averell Harriman; Graham Anderson Martin; Wake Forest University

00:48:22 - Views on the Vietnam War

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Partial Transcript: Pop, a lot of the planning that was going on, the policy review that was going on, seemed to occur over on the defense side.

Segment Synopsis: Dean Rusk discusses the planning for the Vietnam War that took place in the Defense Department. He also talks about the Clark Clifford's and George Ball's views in regards to the war.

Keywords: Bay of Pigs; Eugene McCarthy; Leslie Gelb; Lyndon Johnson; William Bundy